
21 de abril de 2010

Conferencias sobre Wikipedia

Wikipedia es siempre tema de debate. El Institute of Nertwork Cultures ha subido a Vimeo una impresionante serie de videos, entre ellos, la enorme serie de la “Wikipedia Research Conference” que vienen llevando a cabo hace tiempo.

La lista, de la que solo cito una parte, es realmente notable:


Ramon Reichert (AT)
Rethinking Wikipedia: Power, Knowledge and the Technologies of the Self
Jeanette Hofmann (DE)
Wikipedia between Emancipation and Self-Regulation
Mathieu O’Neil (FR/AU)
The Critique of Law in Free Online Projects
Gerard Wormser(FR)
The Knowledge Bar


Joseph Reagle (USA)
Wikipedia and Encyclopedic Anxiety
Charles van den Heuvel (NL)
Authoritative Annotations, Encyclopedia Universalis Mundaneum, Wikipedia
and the Stanford Encycloped

Dan O’Sullivan (UK)
An Encyclopedia for the Times: Thoughts on Wikipedia from a Historical

Alan Shapiro (USA/DE)
Gustave Flaubert Laughs at Wikipedia
Discussion session 2
Encyclopedia Histories
Moderaror: Nathaniel Tkacz
Speakers: Joseph Reagle, Charles van den Heuvel, Dan O’Sullivan, Alan Shapiro


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