
1 de agosto de 2007

10 articulos de recomendada lectura

Si bien están todos en inglés, su lectura es MUY recomendada. Un recordatorio de que internet también es un instrumento de autoayuda y un formidable reservorio de consejos y experiencias vitales...
¡ Que los disfruten ! (y si sólo pueden leer uno, lean el primero, de Steve Jobs. Simplemente, no tiene desperdicio)

clipped from www.lifereboot.com

#1 - Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

#2 - Violent Acres’ Most People Are Depressed For a Very Good Reason

#3 - Steve Pavlina’s Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You

#4 - Brian Kim’s How to Find What You Love to Do

#5 - Fred Gratzon’s Top 10 Signs You’re Made to be an Entrepreneur

#6 - Steve Pavlina’s 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job

#7 - Darren Rowse’s 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt About Blogging

#8 - Caro Clarke’s Are You a Writer?

#9 - Danielle Gibbings’ Need a Reboot?

#10 - My own 10 Reasons It Doesn’t Pay To Be “The Computer Guy”

What I’ve discovered to be most surprising, though, is that the Internet contains life-altering advice.

Regardless of this, most people don’t think to seek it out. They regularly use the Internet as a convenient source of information, but fail to recognize its potential as an instrument for self-improvement.

For this reason, I’ve compiled the following list of articles containing value so profound that they literally changed my life.

blog it

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